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Writer's pictureNinjaWolf

Your Name

Mitsuha Miyamizu, a high school girl, yearns to live the life of a boy in the bustling city of Tokyo—a dream that stands in stark contrast to her present life in the countryside. Meanwhile, in the city, Taki Tachibana lives a busy life as a high school student while juggling his part-time job and hopes for a future in architecture. One day, Mitsuha awakens in a room that is not her own and suddenly finds herself living the dream life in Tokyo—but in Taki's body! Elsewhere, Taki finds himself living Mitsuha's life in the humble countryside. In pursuit of an answer to this strange phenomenon, they begin to search for one another. Kimi no Na wa. revolves around Mitsuha and Taki's actions, which begin to have a dramatic impact on each other's lives, weaving them into a fabric held together by fate and circumstance.

On February 2, 2020, I watched Your Name. This anime made me both laugh and cry, and I haven't cried much this since watching "Wolf Children" in 2016 and the artwork stunned me because it was so beautiful and the music is fucking amazing, and I 100% recommend this anime to 18+. We start with an asteroid falling to earth, and we cut to black hearing a girl's voice "Some mornings I wake up crying without knowing why that sorta things happen now and again" and we hear a boy's voice "Whatever the dream was I had can never remember it but" and we hear the girl's voice "but the only thing that does last when I wake up is the sense of loss which lingers for a long time afterward" back to the boy's voice "I'm always searching for something or someone" back to the girl's voice "I've been consumed by this feeling ever since that day" back to the boy's voice "the day a star fell it was almost like" back to the girl's voice "seeing something out of a dream nothing more or less" and together, they say "then a breathtaking view" and we get the opening and I love the music of this op and the animation for it and I personally jammed out to this song, and we cut a girl sleeping, and we hear someone say "Taki, Taki, Don't you remember" and we cut to a girl handing Taki her ribbon on the train station saying "my name is Mitsuha and Mitsuha wakes up and Mitsuha takes a look around her room and Mitsuha starts groping herself I'm like "uhm what the fuck are you doing" and the little sister walks in on this I'm like "poor little sister" and Mitsuha gets nude and is surprised by the way she looks and Mitsuha goes downstairs and turns on TV, and we learn a comet will pass by in a month, and it comes only every 1200 years, and she is off to school, and we are introduced to Mitsuha's friends Katsuhiko Teshigawara and Sayaka Natori and Katsuhiko is on his bike, and he asks Sayaka to get off, and I love when Mitsuha says "you two make a great couple" and they pass by a man speaking on his megaphone and the man says "Mitsuha stand up straight when you're walking" and I'm like "going to take a gamble her I'm guessing he is her father" and Mitsuha is embarrassed and as Mitsuha flips a page she comes across a page that says "Who are you?" and the teacher calls on her and turns out she forgot where her own desk and lock was yesterday plus she had the worst case of bedhead and walking home and Mitsuha goes straight home at Mitsuha's house everyone is doing SAORI and at Katsuhiko's house his father has Mitsuha's father over for dinner and Mitsuha and Yotsuha perform a beautiful dance I was amazed and after their dance on their way home, and we cut to a boy who wakes up from his alarm and touches his crotch reacting like a girl, and I'm like "that's Mitsuha in a boys body" and Mitsuha sees his reflection and hears the voice of his dad and says goodbye to his dad, and she thinks this is a dream, and I'm like "good luck, so how long that holds up" and his friend Tsukasa texts him how he will be late, and she wonders who that and when she steps outside she gets a good view of Tokyo and I love the scenery changes, and she finally arrives at Jinju High School and is surprised by Tsukasa and explains how he got lost it's because of "a girl" and he is acting strange and when they mention a café Mitsuha gets excited and spends Taki's money and Taki is late for work and Taki works at a fancy restaurant I'm like "how the hell did Taki get hired to work here" and Mitsuha sucks at Taki's job and a man calls him over cause there is toothpick in the pizza and Miki Okudera takes care of this situation and the man pulls out an exacto knife, and they are cleaning up the place, and they notice someone sliced her skirt, and he takes her to the back room and tells her to take off her skirt, and he sews it back together, and I love the design and Taki heads home, and she learns he has a diary, and she writes in it, and she wrote her name on his hand and Taki wakes up to find Mitsuha's name on his hand, and he sees his diary Mitsuha wrote in and his friends make fun of him and I found it hilarious when Tsukasa says "I think he was kind of cute" and at his work the other waiters wondered what happened yesterday and Mitsuha is back in her body seeing the words on her hand "Mitsuha? Who are you? What are you?" And I started laughing when Yotsuha said "I see your not touching your boobies today" and I love Mitsuha reaction to that and at school everyone is looking at her, and we go back yesterday to see what she did, and it made me laugh her reaction, and she goes home to see someone wrote in her journal and the boy, and they find out there switching bodies and I burst out laughing and I love this epic music, and we get shown them walking in each other's bodies, and we hear Mitsuha say "I'm slowly beginning to realize what's going on Taki is in high school and living in Tokyo" and Taki says "2 or 3 times a week I'll suddenly and randomly switch bodies with Mitsuha who's somewhere out in Itomori the trigger is sleep the cause unknown" and Mitsuha says "any memories I have of this switch get more and more hazey after I wake up" and Taki says "but there is no doubt where switching places the reaction of everyone around us prove it that's why" and Mitsuha says "that's why we decided to lay out some ground rules, so we can protect each other's way of life things to watch out for during the switches and a list of stuff we should never do" and I'm like "I love Mitsuha rules are 1. No bathing 2. No looking! 3. No Touching" I burst laughing and Taki says "we agreed to leave reports on our phone on the day we switch places" and Mitsuha says "so that we can work together to get through this weird thing that's happening" and both say "and yet I cannot believe this guy/ girl" and they keep waking up in each other's body's, and they tell each other what not to do or advice and as the days pass by and Mitsuha says "had tea with Mrs. Okudera on the way home you two have a good thing going" and I love Taki's response and I agree with him "quite messing with my relationships, Mitsuha" and they write on their faces and Taki wakes up in Mitsuha body saying "I shouldn't for our sake" and when Yotsuha opens the door she is groping herself I burst out laughing and I love Yotsuha response "you sure do like your own boobies" and on the news the comet is getting closer, and they are going to their Shrine Gods, and it's a long way and Taki offers Mitsuha grandmother a piggyback ride, and they finally make it turns out its within a crater and I love the overview of this crater and her grandmother hands her something that I don't know what it is, and she will offer it at the foot of the shrine god's relic and the grandmother says your dreaming right now are you and Taki wakes up with tears in his eyes and turns out he has a date with Mrs. Okudera and Taki runs as fast as he can to the station, and he arrives at the station and Mrs. Okudera surprises him and Mitsuha knows they might've met up about now but Mitsuha is crying and Mitsuha mentions how he better be grateful and enjoy it and Mitsuha hand-picked some links to help him out and Taki sees a photo of the crater and Mrs. Okudera knows he is off and Mrs. Okudera decides to call it a day, and we learn Taki used to have a crush on Mrs. Okudera, and she knows there is someone else she likes and Mitsuha says "when the dates over you should be able to see the comet in the sky" but there is no comet and Taki tries to call Mitsuha on the other end Mitsuha phone is ringing but when she picks up turns out to be someone else and Mitsuha goes to the festival in a yukata, and she looks beautiful, and she cut her hair and Mitsuha sees the comet, and it leaves behind a beautiful trail but a part of the comets splits of heading towards Mitsuha and Taki can't contact Mitsuha, and we learn the switches between Mitsuha and Taki never happened again and Taki draws the crater working hard on it and the full picture is beautiful, and he takes the pictures puts in his backpack wraps her headband around his arm and at the train station he gets a surprised visit from Tsukasa and Okudera and on the train to Itomori, and we learn he told them they meet online, and they are going to keep an eye on him, and we learn his text never went through that's why meet her in person he wanted to see her he doesn't know where she lives the town landscape is his only clue and Taki asks around showing people pictures he drew of the crater and at a ramen shop he pulls out a picture of Itomori and one of the people working there recognizes it, and she shows her husband, and we learn Itomori is the place where the commit hit, and we see it for ourselves Itomori is completely vanished turns out this happened 3 years ago, and we flash back to the comet he saw three yeas ago and all Mitsuha journals begin to disappear until "No Entries" and Taki does his studying further into it and Taki looks into a book called "Names of the Victims" and in that book is Mitsuha name, and we learn the Taki has a braided cord and Taki is sleeping when Mitsuha says "Taki, Taki, Taki, Don't you remember" and Taki wakes up and in the morning Taki left a note "I have to go somewhere. Go back to Tokyo without me. Ill return later. Thanks" and Taki is going up a mountain and takes shelter under rocks, and he arrives at the crater with the shrine and behind him, we see the crater and Taki is now inside the crater and walks across the water to get to the tree and underground and takes a shot glass of the stuff inside the container and on his way out trips revealing on the ceiling a picture of a comet and this where things become beautiful the comet turns into string wrapped around Taki's arm, and he's falling, and the comet hits earth, and we watch the life of Mitsuha it's a really sad story, and we watch the comet hit Mitsuha and wakes up in Mitsuha's body and cries and touching her boobs and Mitsuha is staring at the TV and when the grandmother says “hold on your not Mitsuha are you” and I'm like “how the fuck does she know” and she responds “No, but watching the way you have been behaving lately stirred some memories up when I was a young girl I had some pretty strange dreams myself though it's been so long the memories of whom I became in those dreams have pretty much faded at this point” and I'm like “well that explains a lot” and Taki says “Tonight, the comet is going to fall on Itomori you're all going to die” and I'm like “I wouldn't tell them they are going to die” and Taki goes to school and tells her friends “if we don't do something about tonight we'll all die it's up to us to save everyone” and they get a lot of food, and they make a plan how to evacuate everyone they need to hijack the towns warning system, and we learn a comet hits this place every 1200 years and Taki has a talk with the mayor “like I said we have to evacuate in town before tonight” the father responds “enough shut up ugh the comet is going to split in two and strike the town over 500 will die how dare you stand there and spout such nonsense if you're serious you must be sick I'll have a car take you to the city hospital for an exam we will continue this discussion after you seen a doctor" and Taki pissed rapidly approaches grabs him by the tie “you son of an” and let's go of the tie and the father says “who are you” and I'm like “fuck” and at the festival and borrows the bike to go to the crater with the shrine and Taki wakes up, but it turns out its Mitsuha in his body and goes to the rim of the crater, and she sees the town is gone, and she comes to terms that she died and Mitsuha is still ridding and hears “Taki, Taki, don't you remember” and we flash back to see Mitsuha get on a train, and she arrives in Tokyo, and she tried to call Taki, and she sees him on a train, and she gets on the train and goes face to face with Taki and Mitsuha trips holding onto a branch, but the bicycle falls, so she goes on foot and Mitsuha says “Taki, Taki, it's me, so you remember” and he responds “sorry, who are you” and as Mitsuha gets off Taki ask “hold on what's your name” and Mitsuha responds “Mitsuha” and gives her hair ribbon and Taki says “3 years you showed up it was to see me” and Taki calls out to Mitsuha and Mitsuha calls out to Taki and Taki gets on the rim of the crater and runs around and calla out to Mitsuha and Mitsuha respond, and they pass each other, but they sense they passed one another and stop in their tracks and turn around and walk forward and reach out their hand they don't see each other because Taki is in the present and Mitsuha is in the past, and they switch back to their normal bodies and see each other for the first time fast to face and Mitsuha starts crying, and I burst out laughing when Mitsuha says “stupid pervert yeah that's right you were touching my boobies weren't you” and Taki asks for forgiveness and gives back her ribbon and Taki says “don't worry you still have enough time” and Mitsuha responds “I'll do my best” and Taki tries to remember her name and Mitsuha rushes down, and they go to Itomori Substation, and they have the explosives ready and there's an explosion and all lights shut off and its so beautiful as every light goes off and Sayaka goes on the loudspeakers telling everyone to evacuate and Mitsuha and Katsuhiko tell people to evacuate, and they watch the comet split apart, and we cut to Taki watching the comet on TV and Taki goes to the roof to see the comet its beautiful and Mitsuha tries to remember his name and trips, and she remembers Taki saying “so we don't forget things when we wake up lets write down our name, and she opens her eyes then her hand revealing the word “I love you” and I almost broke into tears, and she runs to her dad and the comet going overhead Taki and Taki looking up is beautiful and the comet still hits Itomori, and I'm like “Nooooo, all of that was for nothing” and Taki wakes up wondering why is he here what am I doing and its 2022 Taki is staring at his hand, and he sees a girl with a red ribbon, and he loses her and Taki says “I'm always searching for something this feeling this consumed me for some time” and we see him looking for a job and his best friends are all grown up, and we meet Mrs. Okudera all grown up, and she meets Taki, and they bring up Itomori, and we learn No deaths, 104 wounded, and I'm like “phew” and at a coffee shop its Mitsuha friends grown up and on his way home he passes by a girl with an umbrella and the girl has a red ribbon and Taki looks through a book called "Itomori, The Town that Vanished" and as the sun rises we see Tsukasa is a gardener, his waiter friends have jobs, Yotsuha is all grown up, and we watch as Taki and Mitsuha wake up and their daily routine and on the train Mitsuha sees Tahki on a train passing by and Taki sees Mitsuha and Taki says "I was always searching" and Mitsuha says "searching for someone" and when Taki gets off the train and when Mitsuha gets off the train they both start looking for each other runing around town looking for each other and I started crying and he finally finds her at the top of the stairs and he goes up the stairs and Mitsuha goes down the stairs they pass each other and Im like "comon that was your chance" and at the top of the stairs Taki asks "excuse me havent we--have I meet you somewhere" and Mitsuha crying says "I thought so too" and now Taki crying and they both ask "Can I ask you what is your name. At this moment Im breaking down in tears I mean a reunion always gets me.THE END

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