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Writer's pictureNinjaWolf

The Truman Show

An insurance agent doesn't know is that his life is actually a popular 24-hours-a-day TV show and his family and friends are all actors.

On January 6, 2022, I finally watched The Truman Show and this movie changed my perspective on everything just like “The Matrix” and also this movie was hilarious as fuck and I believe The last live action Jim Carry movie I probably saw was Ace Ventura and I watched that movie when I was in Elementary School which was a long time ago and there was this scene in Ace Ventura where he makes a shadow of twisting man nipples and I found that so funny the next day at school I went up to a girl and I impersonated Ace Ventura in front of her and to this day and I either laughed at it or I found it embarrassing and here is the scene I was talking about and I always knew Jim Carry was hilarious but after seeing him in “The Truman Show” he took comedy to a whole new level and blew my expectations for him and I saw him in a whole new light and I walked in my miniterm which is “Cons, Cults, Conspiracies” and I walked in the middle of them watching “The Truman Show” and I started watching it in the middle confused obviously but this was all explained later on and after rewatching it turns out I didn't miss much I and walked in where Truman is soaking wet and convinced he found his father and I decided to watch it from the beginning with my dad because in a way I finally got to watch this movie with my dad and my favorite scene is when Truman slowly learns that things aren't as they appear to be but my top favorite scene is Mococa and when I rewatched it I was like "I'll buy your entire stock and don't get me started on the ending of “The Truman Show” was heartwarming it made me cry and I recommend "The Truman Show" for people who love movies like “The Matrix” and people who love Jim Carrey and people who love Science Fiction. But before I go let me say "In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight."

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