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Writer's pictureNinjaWolf


Updated: Oct 24, 2022

I enjoyed this show and wanted to see and apparently people thought differently from me and I understand their viewpoint

On August 18, 2022, I watched She-Hulk and this show made me cringe a lot and I was enjoying it and this show was more boring than Eternals and The CGI in this show was just garbage and after the first episode I wondered if people were enjoying it like I did but boy was I wrong people were roasting the fuck out of this show and I agree on some of the points that are made. I have never read a She-Hulk comic before so I didn't know what I was getting into and I felt like the origin story in this show was rushed and I hate when I’m left out of knowing things like how did her friends find out she was the hulk so how about instead of someone breaking the fourth wall explaining how she became the hulk and we can watch how things play out leading up to this court scene. In the next episode, she gets fired which is fucking stupid cause she saved a bunch of lives and is eventually hired by The Superhuman Law Division and she takes up the case for the abomination and the fact she needs Hulk’s permission is pathetic I thought you needed no man so why are you asking for his permission. the next episode just further confirms how they hate males which is fucking stupid like what did we do to you and I hate how it’s only men saying how they hate She-Hulk and I did agree with one of the guys “I have no problem with female heroes but make your own” because in a lot of shows or comics they just their powers from being past down sometimes and I wish they would show how they are worthy of their powers and it shocked me was that no women talking about her and this is saying a lot to the viewer base about how they want to spread the word about how men are bad which is fucked up and why do they act like everyone knows who “Megan Thee Stalion” and my reaction was “Who?” because I didn't know who she was until I searched her up and learned she is a rapper which makes sense because I'm not a big fan of rap. In this episode as this show goes on it has a main theme of how all men are awful and how females are stronger than men in a negative way and that reminds me of a movie “oh yeah Filmentos video on Charlie Angles” and I have no idea why they include the scene when she makes a dating account it was just weird as Jen has barely any matches but when she turns into She-Hulk she gets so many matches this fits well since the She-Hulk actor once said "There's a 'weird obsession' with female Marvel heroes' bodies" so ok so first of all maybe some care about the female body but me I couldn't give a fuck about that the only thing I care about in a movie is the story, character development, actors. Ok so I just heard She Hulk is going to have 9 episodes which blew me away I was trying to process why anyone would let this show go on for 9 episodes like what changed it from being 6 episodes to 9 episodes and it would have been awesome to have 9 episodes of Moon Knight instead of this dumpster fire so now I have 4 more episodes to watch then when I finished it I will reflect on what I just watched now onto the show it starts with Titania making a brand off of She-Hulks name and Jen Walters is just angry all this is episode is about is She Hulk discovering what a Tailor is and when Titania makes an appearance in court I was confused because she broke in through the wall and threw a table and made a mess and she is just getting away with it like these writers must be drunk because this story is all over the place and after finishing this episode I wonder to myself where are the badass fights scenes I mean if you call her badass just because she threw her hands around to defeat some guys then wouldn't that make all men badasses because since we all love getting into fights JK I knew that would get woman pissed and I'm waiting for Daredevil to make an appearance because maybe he is only one to save this show. This episode is about the wedding of one of Jen's friends and during the wedding Jen makes everything about her and the rest of it was boring in my opinion until there is this scene that makes me laugh because of how dumb she is so she sees Titania then she walks up to her and instead of going up to talk to her she passes by her then turns around to talk to her and I burst into laughter because of how dumb that was so your telling me she doesn't know how to go up and talk to someone and by the end I can't believe what I watched and at the end what pisses me off is the fact they tease Daredevil in the last episode and he makes no appearance in this episode. The next episode start of in a bathroom which was unnecessary and also she is texting while in the middle of a meeting and I'm pissed to see a little bit of me from when I was in 6th grade cause Just like She-Hulk I was obsessed with technology if someone tried to kick me off a computer I would be pissed and she goes to Abominations Therapy Meeting and just like She-Hulk I need therapy but mine is for watching this show and this therapy meeting is the best part of this entire show now and the ending was not interesting I kind of suspect it when almost all males are villains and now I just need to get through 2 more episodes then the sufferings will end. Episode 9 They introduced Leap Frog and honestly I had no idea who he was so I looked him up to see who he was and he reminded me of those Marvel abandoned characters and honestly if they have someone like this that people don't know about they should have given him a solo movie so the audience know who he is but with the way it is I don't care about him and now I want Leap Frog vs Toad and honestly I once said "once Marvel runs out of characters to use they are going to start using the characters that were erased from Marvel comics. Then when Matt Murdock entered the show I was excited and I found it awesome that I finished Daredevil Season 3 on October 3rd only for him to make an appearance three days later and to be honest and when I said "I hope Daredevil saves this show" well here he is and I can't believe they fucked him up this badly I mean they have so much source material and they still manage to fuck it up and they managed to fuck up the hallway scene and what shocked me is in this show Daredevil and She-Hulk make out because a while ago when Daredevil was first announced in She-Hulk I told my dad I shipped Daredevil and She-Hulk but it was a joke (if you don't get it it's because Jenifer Walters hates people who judge her because of her appearance and Daredevil is blind) then to see this scene I wondered to myself "did they read my mind" and then he left doing the shame walk which everyone was complaining about and I still don't understand the importance of that. The ending was just horrible I mean why would you include a sex tape in a public place I mean it's like they are against sex and mean later I learned they were ripping off a YouTuber who to my knowledge did nothing wrong and I might subscribe to him now because he looks interesting and now I have one more episode to go. before I watched this finale for this show I saw a video covering the leaked script for the last episode and it sounded like bullshit but it all turned out to be true which shocked me and wow at the anti-She Hulk meeting their is nothing but males in the group how shocking and now I know she has been breaking the fourth wall but for her to break the Disney+ menu and end up in the writer’s room and I was shocked to see males in the writing room and I was pissed when they talked shit about VFX team I mean they worked their ass of and I mean imagine working on Marvel the clock only to be insulted and I won't be surprised if some of the people working on VFX just to quit and do you know how some women say "women are treated like objects" well it looks like she-hulk pulled out the reverse card because Matt Murdock came back just so Jen could have sex with him. I can't believe she edited the script so she doesn't have to fight Tod which is awful because imagine if this happened in the movies where there is this really big build-up to a fight scene only for them to jump into the writer’s room so they won't fight them and the ending of She-Hulk was weird cause we are introduced to Skaar and I don't know who Skaar is so I searched him and turns out he is from World War Hulk and I watched a video on reading the comic so I don't have to buy it and I understand why people want him after the video even I enjoyed it and after this episode ended I started to wonder "does she know that she is based off a comic book" and I always wondered how does she know we exist which was never answered in this season. Now that I'm finally done with She-Hulk the pain is over until that is Season 2 but who would want that and I don't recommend this show for anyone unless you want to ruin your brain.

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