The Vytal festival tourmanent has begun. While team RWBY is fighting and competing in the tournament. Cinder and her allies plan an attack on beacon.

On May 16, 2020, I watched RWBY Volume 3 because I decided it was time for me to return to the world of RWBY and I also I finished on a cliffhanger for RWBY Volume 2 and in RWBY Volume 3 we get introduced to Ruby and Yang's Dad and Uncle Qrow and Winter, and we finally got to witnesses the Vytal Festival and schools vs other schools. And I cried my heart out when Pyrrha died and when Yang got her arm cut off and the death of Penny mad me really sad but I assume Rose killed Cinder but apparently not. When I finished RWBY VOLUME 3 I was like wasn't the whole point of RWBY (the show) to defeat The White Fang and now that objective changed completely to finding the maidens.