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Writer's pictureNinjaWolf

Poltergeist (1982)

Malevolent otherworldly forces invade a suburban home and transform the house into a supernatural sideshow centered on the younger family's daughter.

On October 15, 2020, I finally got to watch Poltergeist and it was fucking awesome and Poltergeist has been mentioned a lot through out my life and even mentioned in "101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die" and after getting permission from my dad

I texted my dad while watching Poltergeist

As you can see this movie scared the living shit out of me but the scene but the scene that scared me shitless was the hand popping out the screen onto my movie review. So a girl walks down to a static television and started talking to someone which scared me and bike vs RC cars and I was laughing my ass off when it was in a middle of football game and then it switches to Mister Rogers Neighbor Hood their reaction is priceless and they have a remote battle and we meet Robert Freeling and that tree scares me its as if its alive and Steve Freeling wants to make a pool and we see a puppet looking at him while sitting on a chair I was like "fuck you" I would be scared of the tree and the puppet and when Carol Ann Freeling gets up and the hand popped out my body jumped up while laying and my tablet on the pillow that my tablet was standing on and when Carol Ann Freeling said their here that gave me shivers down my spin and Diane Freeling asks Carol Ann Feeling what she means by "their here" and it was hilarious when Dana Freeling flipped them off and the chairs stacked on the table scared me and it was done by the TV people and I love Steve's reaction to the chair sliding if that was I would get the fuck out of there and the tree moves on its own which scared the shit out of me and I’m like "your son has been kidnapped by a tree" and they go to rescue him and the TV spirits kidnap Carol Ann Freeling and Robert Freeling finds out Carol Ann Freeling is in the TV and Diane finds out she is in the TV and they go to paranormal experts and Carol Ann Freeling's room is being haunted I mean you have stuff flying in the air and we learn have a poltergeist and we learn what's the difference between a normal haunting and Poltergeist and tries to contact with Carol Ann Freeling but someone else is with her and she is in danger and Ryan got bit and as you remember his face melting off disgusted me it was really gross and the tv spirits walked down the stairs personally I thought that was really cool and Robert goes away so he doesn't get involved and we learned they move the body's of the natives and I’m like “well that can’t be be fucking good from what I learned from movies of people messing with tribal burial grounds the world goes to shirt for that person” and we learn they did this before in ’76 and we meet Tangina who sounds like a child and we learn why the TV spirts want Carol Ann Freeling and Steve tries to test Tangina telekinesis which ends up back firing on him and we learn the spirits want Carol Ann’s life force and Tangina tells us “these spirits haven’t realized they passed on and they are lingering in a dream state a nightmare from which they cannot awake” and I’m like “that must be horrible for them” and we learn it’s been using her and I’m like “are you sure this is a Poltergeist this more sounds like a demon” and Diane Freeling breaks down into tears and in the hallway we learn someone is restraining her from speaking and Steve gets angry and yells at Carol Ann told by Tangina and I love when Tangina says “tell her if she doesn’t answer you, she’s gonna get a spankin’!” and I burst out laughing cause that was so fucking hilarious and Steve says “Carol Ann, you answer your parents, or your gonna get a real spanking from the both of us” and now I was laughing even harder cause it’s fucking hilarious and I didn’t expect him to say that” and Carol Anne answers “Mommy! Help me!” and “Mommy, Help me! Please!” and Dana says “Honey do you see a light?” and Carol Anne says “Mommy! Mommy! Help me, please!” and Tangina says “Tell her to go to the light” and Diane says “No!” and people start encouraging Diane to tell Carol to go to the light and she finally gives in saying “Run to the light baby mommy is in the light!” and Tangina tells Diane to say “Tell her your waiting for her” and Diane says “Mommy is waiting for you in the light!” and Tangina tells them to clear there minds and they enter Carol Anne Freeling's room and Tangina throws ball 1 & 2 throw the ball through the portal and the balls fall through the ceiling all slimy which proves there is a way out of that hell and its a way to bring Carol Anne back home and Tangina tells Diane to say “Tell her to stop! Tell her not to go into the light!” and Diane says “Carol Anne, Listen to me! Do not go into the light! Stop where you are! Turn away from it! Don’t even look at it!” and they throw the rope through the portal and the rope falls through the ceiling all slimy and Steve tells the man on the other side to take up the slack and Tangina says to Diane “Help me tie this around my waist!” and Diane says “What do you think you’re doing?” and Tangina says “Im goin’ in after her!” and Diane says “She won’t come to you! LET Me Go.” and I love when Tangina says “Youve never done this before!” and I love Dian’s response “Neither have you!” and Tangina says “You’re right! You Go!” this cracked me up I burst out laughing and Steve says “No! No! Let me!” and Diane says “You can’t! Who’s strong enough to stay out here and hold the rope?” and Steve ties the rope around Diane and Diane Freeling goes through the portal to save Carol Ann Freeling and Steve makes a great point “How will we know she’s got her? When will we know?” and Tangina starts backing away not saying anything then Tangina says “Cross Over, Children! All are welcome! All Welcome! Go into the light!” and I’m like “I knew in my gut she couldn’t be fucking trusted turns out she was working with the spirits that back stabber” and Steve says “No! No! You said No!” and Tangina says “There is peace and scerenity in the light. You said don’t go into the light! Diane!” and he tries to pull Diane out and Tangina says “Steve, Not yet!” and I’m like “that’s what you get for trying to make the spirits to crossover” and Steve says “Diane!” and he ends up pulling out a monster scaring the shit out of me and Steve making him drop the rope but they pull out Carol Ann and Diane in the Nick of time and they are coverEd in slime and Steve rushed down the stairs and Tangina says “Get them into the water!” and they get both Diane and Carol Anne into the hot water and wipes them off saying “Come on, Breathe now. Come on, Breathe. Just take a breath. Breathe. Breathe, Damn it! Breathe! Come on, Breath. Yeah. That’s it Breath.” and Diane lets out a deep breath and Carol Anne wakes up and Carol Anne says “Hi, Daddy.” and I’m like “awwwww, everyone is okay” and the people give them some time alone and the next morning they pack up to leave this house and I’m like “finally they came to there senses to leave the house” and Dana goes to Brians house for dinner and Diane wants her to come back after diner and Steve wants them to stay at the Holiday Inn on I-74 and turns out Diane has a gray streak in her hair probably from entering the spirit realm and Steve is trying to move a box and there is a bike in the way he almost trips over it and I love when Steve says “Ok, Rob, that hint almost killed me.” cause a bike isn’t gonna kill you by tripping over it and besides it’s not like it’s a Terminator, Transformer, Christine, and Diane says “You ok? Don’t hurt your back.” and Steve says “How you feel?” and Diane says “I’m- -Im good. I feel a little hung over, like I’ve been asleep for a few days, But...I feel good, Steven, I really do.” and we learn Carol Anne dosent remember any of it and Steve says “Honey, I gotta go to the office and pick up some stuff, just clean up a few things, ok? I’m gonna be back early.” It becomes night time and Carol and Robert are fighting over a toy truck and Diane takes a bath and Carol and Robert tuck themseleves in bed but as Robert is about to go to bed the toy clown sitting in the chair staring at him and if I was in his shoes it would creep me the fuck out and Robert grabs a jacket to throw over the clown but it misses and he goes to bed and I found it funny how Carol Anne had a Luke Skywalker action figure in her mouth and in the bath we zoom in on Diane and I’m like “something is about to happen” and we cut to Robert who hears a bump and checks on the clown to see it disappeared and I’m like “oh fuck that can’t be good” and so Robert checks under his bed and I was on the edge of my seat expecting a jumpscare and he looks on the other side chills going down my spine but once Robert lifts his head the clown is right behind him and the clown tries to drag Robert under his bed and we cut to Diane out of the shower and she lays down when she hears Robert screaming for help and starts rolling on the wall and she ends up on the ceiling and I’m like “it’s Spiderman” and she asks the ghost to let her go and Robert starts fight back the clown saying “I Hate You” and the closet starts transforming into the portal and the ghost finally lets go of Diane and Diane leaves her room and the ghost won’t let Diane enter Carol Ann’s room and a spirit appears to hold off Diane and Diane says “Run, Robbie, Run” and Diane is scared by the creature and Diane rolls down the stairs and the spirits wont let her out and Carol Anne says “No more” and outside Diane falls into the unfinished pool and in the water are skeletons and graves rise up opening revealing skeletons and I’m like “this is the scene I’ve been waiting for cause it’s been mentioned a lot like theorys how they used real native Indians skeletons for this shot” and she tries to get out but since it’s raining the dirit turns into mud making it hardEd to get out and she slides back down into the pool of skeletons she tries to clim up using a pipe and someone grabs her hand scaring the shit out of me cause it was out of nowhere even Diane was scared turns out it was the neighbors and Diane goes to save them and they make it look like a endless hallwway and Diane opens the door and everything is being pulled towards the portal and Diane puts out her hand and tells Robbie “Give me your hand!” but Robbie can’t reach her and Diane grabs Robbies hand and Diane tells him “Now grab your sister!” and Robbie grabs Carol Ann and Diane pulls them towards her and they make it out alive and Steve arrives home realizing something bad is happening and Mr. Teague in his car is seeing this and probaly thinking “what the hell is going on” and runs in and a grave emerges from the ground blocking the entrance and Mr. Teague gets out of his car and another grave emerges from the ground in the kitchen and Steve confonts Mr. Teague saying “You Son of a Bitch! You moved the cemetery, But you left the bodies, didn’t you!? You son of a bitch! You left the bodies, and you only moved the headstones! You only moved the headstones! Lies! Lies!” and graves are emerging from the ground everywhere and they all get in the car to leave the house and with everyone telling him to hurry and him trying to find the right key I was on the edge of my seat tension high and a skeleton lands on the windshield and Dana came back to see the house saying “what’s happening?!” and Steve says “get in the car!” and Dana “What is that?!” And Robert says “Drive Away! Daddy, Drive away!” and Dana gets in the car and they drive away and we get a great overlook of the town as it goes to shit and Mr. Teague sees the house thinking “what the hell is going on” and the house gets sucked into a vortex and Mr. Teague and town people watched this happen probably wondering “what the fuck is going on here” and the family drives off and they make it to the Holiday Inn and they enter there room and Steve closes the curtain and comes back out with a TV leaving it out in the rain and I burst o laughing cause that was fucking hilarious and I’m like “well I guess he fucking learned his lesson” and that’s the ending and I fucking enjoyed it.

and my mother was pissed when I told her I watched Poltergeist and she got pissed because it was a horror movie but I was confused because Poltergeist is PG - 13 so basically you can watch this movie a 13-year-old and that leads me to another question since the age rating was PG-13 why didn't my dad ever let me watch this movie.

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