Iron Man tells the story of Tony Stark, a billionaire industrialist and genius inventor who is kidnapped and forced to build a devastating weapon. Instead, using his intelligence and ingenuity, Tony builds a high-tech suit of armor and escapes captivity. When he uncovers a nefarious plot with global implications, he dons his powerful armor and vows to protect the world as Iron Man
On December 11, 2022, I watched Iron Man and I decided to start re-watching marvel movies and I started with Iron Man and I remember when this came out and this movie impacted me I how I saw films and it was awesome and action-packed. I've been rewatching a video from Prime of Gramar on “An MCU Complete Retrospective” which gave me the information about the story behind each phase of the MCU because as a kid I didn't care about what was going on behind the scenes and I only cared about the next movie and this gave me the idea that if I love watching these videos on repeat then I should go rewatch the films in order and I'm just now realizing I haven’t re-watched it in years sure I watched some scenes here and there, but not the full movie because when I watch a movie I remember the entire film so what is the point of rewatching it but there is a possibility I missed something so I decided to rewatch it. In the beginning of Iron Man even though I knew that Tony Stark was an asshole who becomes a good guy and even though I knew it was coming and they somehow they made me dislike him. The cave scene is always an awesome and never disappoints me and just to see Tony Stark’s reaction to the weapons he made end up in the wrong hands always gets me cause it's the moment he changes to doing good and the making of the suit is always awesome to me seeing how much work he does on it but the best part of the suit making was the clanging from the hammer hitting the iron and I love seeing how he gets out of that cave it's always awesome but the death scene in the cave shocked to be honest death was something new to me because I was a child but deep down I knew he was never coming back and I sometimes wish Tony Stark was in real life where billionaire realize what they were doing what was wrong and try to correct their mistakes but that might be a wish that may never come true. I love Jarvis and as a kid I didn't really understand what AI was but he was awesome in my opinion. While watching Iron Man I noticed there were a lot of scenes that my childhood memory forgot from Iron Man and I started noticing it for the first time and I’m like “holy crap that was awesome” like for example when Obadiah Stain confesses to Tony Stark that was completely removed from my memory and as a kid I knew he the villain because of what he did and also I learned from that video on the retrospective of marvel phases that Obadiah Stain was played by Jeff Bridges which who I didn't know at the time but after that video and seeing his face I see it now and for the sex scene I vaguely remember my father covering my eyes for that scene. I remember the ending and I remember it made my mouth drop cause I couldn't believe what he said and I was left in awe and it always amazes me no matter how many times. When I first watched the post-credit scene I was shocked that there was something at the ending but I didn't understand what they were talking about until I watched the Prime Grammer video.