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Writer's pictureNinjaWolf

Hardcore Henry

Henry is resurrected from death with no memory, and he must save his wife from a telekinetic warlord with a plan to bioengineer soldiers.

On November 7, 2022, I watched Hardcore Henry and this movie completely blew my mind and it was a fucking intense ride filled with fucking awesome action. I was recommended this movie from somewhere I forgot so I searched it up and I fell in love with the trailer and I watched it over and over because the action was just so awesome and I was shocked that this was an actual FPS movie and later today I learned from a comment that it was on Netflix and this maybe of been a while ago, and to be honest my favorite type of video game genre is FPS because you are in the role of the main protagonist and you control them and see the world from their eyes and they perfectly brought over to this film. The gore was fucking amazing thanks to Hellraiser since it helped me face my fear of gore and now I can appreciate how amazing gore is in films and other media and for this movie I wasn't covering my eyes in fear I was more excited. I love stories like these where the characters can lose their memories because it allows people to be in their shoes and see the world from their eyes, before watching it I looked at the ratings and they were low and I thought to myself "how this could be this awful" is it that bad well guess I'll see for myself. The beginning was confusing because I had no idea what I was looking at my body but it looked like I was looking straight down at my body and it turns out to be a head looking at a full body and when I first met the villain Akan I already fucking hated him because he is just a giant dick who was just a giant pervert which honestly ruins the character that's unless they are the villain so the hero can beat the shit out of them. The escape pod is just a beautiful scene I was wondering how they probably did it by being surrounded by a green screen but the way they make it feel as if we are falling is just awesome and while watching Hardcore Henry I thought to myself "Is UPGRADE heavily inspired by this film" because both of the characters gets implanted with some sort of technology and one gets their wife taken away from him and they changed it with the other one where she gets killed and both of them have these action scenes with just big stunts. The action is just fucking awesome it's always a joy to watch you have no idea how many times I have rewatched these action scenes I can't count anymore and the parkour is just so awesome I especially liked the chase and when they went onto the bridge it's just so breathtaking. When I first met Jimmy it was on the bus it turns out and I fucking love him and he is such a great character and I thought I was losing my mind because once Jimmy died in the stripper club and he is on top of you and then Jimmy does he just reappears and the stunts in this film cease to amaze me and there is one scene where he climbs up a building and I couldn't see any wires so I was scared that with one wrong move he would die. The chase scene on the road is such a beautifully crafted scene I could watch it forever and there is even this scene where he is on a motorcycle and it goes through a truck exiting out the other side which shocked me even now I'm wondering how they do it and there is another where he is on a motorcycle and jumps onto a car and this reminds me of one of the Uncharted games where you jump from car to car. They even made a COD reference in this film because in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare you are in a ghillie suit and get to the top of the building to snip the enemy and the movie Jimmy wears a ghillie suit and your on the top of the building and you snip enemies and there is this and after that you go back into the building where you hear the enemies coming up and Jimmy says "you can hear them but you can't shoot them, you'll probably grenade them, drop a grenade down there ladde" and I bursted out laughing cause it sounded like something a tutorial NPC would say to you and there is this other time when Henry throws a grenade one guy goes flying into the air and that brings a smile to my face because when I played Uncharted I found it funny when I threw a grenade to fly in the air I don't know why I just found it funny. The elevator scene as they are on their way up to the top and their was just so emotional for me I think a tear ran down my cheek. The Final Battle starts and he has to face off against a lot of people and the entire time Henry tries avoiding the henchmen and go goes after Akan but pushes him away with his powers which reminds me of the Lego Video Games where if you tried getting too close to the main villain they will push you away until you defeat all the henchmen and I love how they incorporated that into this film probably with no knowledge of the Lego Video Games but when the Queen music started playing I knew things were going to get real. In the end, Henry was beaten to a pulp on the ground and I thought it would be another "UPGRADE" ending that was disappointing but Henry's father gave a motivational quote to get him up and Henry's fathers face looked familiar (turns out he is played by Tim Roth if you don't recognize that name then you'll who he plays Emil Blonsky aka Abomination from The Incredible Hulk he was in another show but we don't talk about it here) when Henry got up I was screaming and shouting out of pure joy till the end and the way it ended was awesome and holy fucking shit was I wrong about the ending this film had the most satisfying ending. After finishing this movie I thought to myself "with this movie existing people could make films off of FPS video games we could have a possibility of a Wolfenstein movie, Doom movie but oh wait we had one (I heard it was awful and I'm just wondering when we'll they get through their thick skulls all we want is a man killing demons) and a Bioshock movie which has been announced and if Netflix fucks this movie up I will have their heads and both a Call of Duty and Fallout movie hitch will make you pay to watch a scene because that's how they are and I wouldn't be surprised if the Fallout movie had scenes where they showed the green screen and people in suits appearing as the monsters and reuses scenes" but this film does open lots of possibilities to turn FPS video games into movies or TV Shows but it's too bad that these didn't happen except Doom and Bioshock. Afterward, I watched the Behind the Scenes of this film because I big part of me wanted to know how they did it and it's just fucking awesome to see how they did this and it must have been hard for the stunt actor because he hard because he wore a camera around maybe making his face hard to see and that scene where he was climbing the wall I saw how they did it and it was amazing and I understand why so often the actor for Henry was attached to cables to a couple of times cause they didn't want him to die and the fact that they made this with only $2 Billion is so fucking awesome is so impressive I always so this would be the second low-budget film I fell in love with the first would have to be “Hell House LLC” but after watching this Hardcore Henry is my #1 low budget film along with Hell House LLC. so far I can't choose which one is better.

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