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Welcome to Film Crave

Hello and Welcome to Film Crave where I journal all of the films I have watched and write my personal opinion on them and all of these reviews came from my head. When you are ready to read my reviews just click the button below or if you think its a virus then just click "Post" cause that is another way to see my reviews. Also if you are not ready to look at my reviews you can scroll down below the picture you will see my story  on how this all started.


Every story has a beginning but mine started in 2018 when I started writing film reviews on Facebook I thought of it as a side job but in 2019 I started learning to code and I was wondering what my website would be about then I remember my Facebook film reviews so I built my website around my film reviews but I stopped because I didn't know how to make a search bar in code it took me years and that's when I realized I never wanted to be a coder when I grew up because of how tough it was so I took a break in 2020 then covid-19 hit and I was watching the same films "Evil Dead 2" "The Magnificent 7 (2016)" then it came to me rather than sitting on my ass watching these films over and over I decided to revive it but this time import my sites into Wix and I have been working ever since so that brings us to now.

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